
  • 3 stalks Celery
  • 2 cups Cashews
  • 1 bunch Red Grapes
  • 1 can (8 Oz. Can) Water Chestnuts
  • 2 cans (5 Oz. Can) Shredded Chunk Chicken
  • 4 Tablespoons Orange Juice
  • 4 Tablespoons Ranch Dressing
  • 4 Tablespoons Curry Powder (Yellow)


  • The measurements are all estimates-this chicken salad should be made to your specific taste. Some people like more curry flavor (moi) and some people like more cashew crunch. Try it several ways to find your favorite.
  • You will need:
  • 1. Two cans of canned chicken, usually next to the canned tuna. You can use real chicken, but then you have to cook it, and that takes too long for me.
  • 2. Red grapes.
  • 3. Cashews (usually just two scoops will be fine).
  • 4. A can or two of water chestnuts.
  • 5. Celery, however much you want. I used a small bag from the salad section.
  • 6. Oranges or a small thing of orange juice. (I squeeze fresh juice, but it doesn't matter. I'm perfect, like Martha)
  • 7. Curry powder (yellow).
  • 8. Ranch dressing (I am not a fan of mayo-I suppose you can use mayo, but ranch gives it a good taste).
  • Directions:
  • 1. Chop the cashews.
  • 2. Drain and chop the water chestnuts.
  • 3. Chop the celery.
  • 4. Mix into a big bowl.
  • 5. Add a splash of orange juice.
  • 6. Drain the chicken and add the two cans.
  • 7. Mix all of that goodness.
  • 8. Slice each of the grapes in half (looks nicer, easier to eat).
  • 9. Add some ranch dressing to coat (you want the chicken to still be flaky, no clumps, and it's not a thick dressing with the ranch).
  • 10. Add the curry (I like to add a lot).
  • Keep tasting, and adding whatever you want. Ranch, curry, orange juice, until desired richness.
  • Eat plain, on lettuce wraps, or on cute, little, crust-less sandwiches cut in tea-party size.
  • Enjoy!