
  • 250 ml flour
  • 250 ml maize meal
  • 3 ml cayenne pepper
  • 10 ml baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • 350 ml milk
  • 10 ml lemon juice
  • 15 ml butter
  • 24 fresh oysters
  • 50 ml lemon juice
  • 50 ml flour
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml dried breadcrumbs
  • 250 ml cooking oil
  • 225 g camembert cheese
  • 250 ml cream
  • 5 ml ground nutmeg


  • Beat one egg in one bowl and the other egg in another bowl.
  • Melt the butter.
  • Sift the flour.
  • Whip the cream stiff.
  • Mix flour, maize meal, cayenne pepper and baking powder together.
  • Add one beaten egg, milk, lemon juice and butter, stir well,.
  • Grease a large, heavy bottomed saucepan, cook crumpets until tiny bubbles appear, turn and cook the othe side.
  • Continue until all batter has been used up.
  • Remove to a warmed platter and keep warm.
  • Coat the oysters in the 10ml of lemon juice, flour, the other egg and breadcrumbs.
  • Shallow fry until golden brown,remoe and drain on absorbent kitchen paper towels.
  • To serve place a crmpet or two, on a large dinner plate.
  • Pipe a large roseete of cream next to the crumpet, arrange a few oysters and slices of cheese next to the crumpet.
  • Sprinkle cream with nutmeg.
  • Serve at once.