
  • 6 hot dog buns
  • 6 frankfurters
  • chopped onion
  • pickle relish or hot sauerkraut
  • catsup, mustard
  • CHILI SAUCE (use 1 1/2 cups)
  • 1 lb ground chuck
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 1 1/2 - 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 (1 lb) cans dark red kidney beans
  • 1 (1 lb) can whole tomato, undrained
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/4 cup catsup


  • FOR THE CHILI SAUCE: In large kettle, over medium heat, saute ground chuck, stirring, until red color disappears. Pour off fat.
  • Add chopped onion and chili powder, cook, stirring, about 5 minutes, or until onion is tender.
  • DRAIN ONE can of beans; use ONE CAN UNDRAINED. Add with rest of ingredients to meat, breaking up tomatoes with fork; stir to mix well. Simmer slowly, covered and stirring occasionally, until thickened and flavors are blended about 1 hour. Makes 2 quarts. This sauce can be frozen. Thaw overnight in refrigerator or several hours at room temperature.
  • FOR THE HOT DOGS: Sprinkle rolls lightly with water; wrap tightly in foil. Heat in 350°F oven while heating frankfurters.
  • In large saucepan, bring 1 quart water to boiling. Add frankfurters. Cover, and turn heat very low; heat 5 to 8 minutes. Meanwhile, in small saucepan, heat Chili Sauce.
  • TO SERVE: Fill each warm roll with frankfurter; top with Chili Sauce. Pass onion, pickle relish, catsup and mustard. Makes 6 servings.
  • McCalls Cookery.