
  • Rum Syrup
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup rum
  • Coconut And Ginger Batter
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons rice flour
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 cup fresh grated coconut
  • 3/4 inch piece of fresh cut ginger
  • 3 cardamom pods
  • oil for cooking


  • In a medium saucepan, stir together granulated sugar and water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to medium low, simmer 3 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir rum into hot syrup and set aside.
  • Combine whole wheat and rice flours in a medium sized bowl. Crush the cardamom pods, gather the seeds and discard the skin. Crush the seeds into a powder. Place brown sugar, salt, coconut, ginger, and cardamom in the carafe of a blender. Add just enough water - about 1/2 cup - to make blending possible and blend into a fairly smooth puree. Pour the puree into the flours and mix well with a wire whisk until smooth; add additional water as needed to make a moderately thick but pourable batter. Allow to rest covered for about 15 minutes to let the flours hydrate well.
  • Heat a skillet or griddle on low to medium heat. Grease and add a ladle full of batter, while spreading the batter in a circle. Cook dosa until each side is golden brown. Serve with warm rum syrup. Just a light drizzle to compliment them.