
  • at least 1 pair boneless, skinless chicken breasts per person
  • sliced Swiss or Parmesan/Romano cheese
  • Blue cheese salad dressing
  • 1 or 2 oz. crab meat per person
  • sliced green onion
  • sliced mushrooms
  • parsley and/or sliced green peppers


  • Place
  • each
  • of
  • the
  • chicken breasts between sheets of plastic
  • wrap and pound until thin.
  • Try not to tear them (but don't
  • worry a lot).
  • On top of 1 side of each breast, place a bit of
  • crab
  • meat,
  • some
  • cheese,
  • mushrooms, onion, parsley and/or green
  • peppers.
  • Pour
  • some Blue cheese salad dressing (or
  • you might
  • prefer another flavor) over that combination. Place
  • the other
  • half
  • of
  • the
  • breast over this one and use toothpicks to stitch sandwiches together.