
  • 16 ounces, weight Bag Of 15-Bean Mix Dry Beans
  • 3 stalks Celery
  • 1 whole Onion
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 1 pound Smoked Turkey Sausage
  • 1 pound Chicken Breasts
  • 29 ounces, weight Canned Diced Tomatoes
  • 8 cups Chicken Broth


  • Chop the veggies and throw them in the crock pot.
  • Cut the sausage into bite-sized pieces and add to the crock pot.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to the crock pot and cook on low for 8-10 hours.
  • After the cooking cycle has completed, shred the chicken breasts with two forks and add back to the soup.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Pack soup into sterilized quart jars, leaving 1-inch headspace.
  • Wipe rims and screw on two-piece lids, making them finger-tight.
  • Process in a pressure canner for 75 (for pints) to 90 (for quarts) minutes at 10-11 psi and cool according to your canners instructions.
  • When consuming, you may need to add a bit of chicken broth or water to loosen the soup up.
  • Makes 4 quarts or 8 pints.