Categories:Viewed: 32 - Published at: 10 months ago


  • 1 navel orange, zest and juice
  • 1 1/2 inches gingerroot (fresh root)
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 trout, tail fillet (Loch Etive)
  • 1 pinch sea salt (to taste)
  • 1 pinch black pepper, freshly ground (to taste)


  • Grate the zest and squeeze the juice from 1 navel orange.
  • Take about a 1 1/2 inch square hunk of fresh root ginger and slice it thinly and then chop it fairly finely.
  • Melt a teaspoon of the butter in a wok or pan.
  • Then put the orange zest, juice, and the chopped ginger into the wok - or pan, with the melted butter.
  • Turn the heat up, but watch and stir it carefully - so that it doesn't burn but the ginger cooks properly. About 3 to 5 minutes.
  • At the last minute, when it all looks nicely cooked add about half a teaspoon of suger, and stir that in,
  • Take off the heat as soon as the sugar has combined properly - i.e. no longer crunchy.
  • Cool the result in a plastic container in the fridge.
  • Then add about 2 to 3 tablespoons of cold butter, mix it well in and put it in the freezer to hurry the solidifying for no more than an hour, or leave overnight in the fridge if you have the time.
  • Cut 2 large slits in a tail fillet of Loch Etive Trout, then stuff the butter into the slits in the fish. Sprinkle the fish with sea salt and freshly ground black or rainbow pepper. Rainbow peppercorns are a mixture of Black Peppercorns, White Peppercorns, Pimento, Green Peppercorns and Pink Peppercorns - and makes for a milder, almost fruity taste compared to Black Peppercorns alone. (A tail fillet of Salmon or a whole small Sea Bass can replace the Trout.).
  • Cook the fish in foil in the oven at 200 degrees C for 25 to 30 minutes depending on your oven.
  • This serves 1 person as a main meal, try it served with baby leeks and baby corn cobs microwaved in lemon flavoured olive oil with wild black onion seeds and cumin seeds and salt and pepper. And maybe some noodles.
  • Or multiply the number of fish for each person and serve at a dinner party.
  • This amount of the caramelised butter will fill 4 fish.