
  • 1 x Onion Sunflower oil, for cooking
  • 3 x Chicken stock cubes
  • 3 x Garlic cloves, peeled
  • 50 gm Sachet creamed coconut
  • 3 x Fresh thyme sprigs
  • 1 1/2 tsp Grnd allspice
  • 2 x Bay leaves
  • 1 x 450 gram lon grain rice
  • 1 x 400 gram can red kidney beans, rinsed and liquid removed
  • 1 x Red chilli pepper, (Scotch bonnet)
  • 2 x Spring onions, trimmed
  • 1 tsp Grnd cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp Grated nutmeg
  • 2 tsp Demerara sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. White wine vinegar
  • 1 x Lime
  • 4 x Lamb leg steaks, each about 200g/7oz
  • 2 x Yellow plantains
  • 1 sm Bunc fresh chives Salt and freshly grnd black pepper


  • 1 Heat a large pan.
  • Finely chop the onion.
  • Add in 2 tbsp oil to the pan and gently fry the onion for 2-3 min till softened.
  • 2 Place three stock cubes in a large Pyrex jug and pour in 1.2 litres/2 pints of boiling water, stirring till dissolved.
  • Crush one of the garlic cloves and chop up the coconut.
  • 3 Add in the garlic, two thyme sprigs, 1/2 tsp allspice, bay leaves and rice to the pan and cook for a minute, stirring constantly till all the rice grains are well coated in the oil and slightly nutty.
  • 4 Pour in the stock and add in the minced up coconut and kidney beans.
  • Simmer the pan, stirring till the coconut dissolves.
  • 5 Reduce the heat, cover and cook for 10-12 min till the rice is completely tender and all the liquid has evaporated.
  • Chop up the chilli pepper, remaining two garlic cloves and spring onions and place in a blender.
  • 6 Add in the remaining allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar, vinegar, juice of 1/2 lime and 2 tbsp oil.
  • Rub in the leaves from the remaining thyme and blitz to a puree.
  • Heat a griddle pan.
  • 7 Put the lamb in a shallow non- metallic dish, pour over the chilli mix and rub in with your hands.
  • Set aside for a few min if time allows.
  • 8 Shake excess marinade off the lamb steaks, drizzle over some oil and add in to the heated griddle pan.
  • Press down with a fish slice for a griddled effect and cook the steaks for 5-6 min on each side till tender and cooked.
  • Snip the chives and set aside.
  • 9 Top and tail the plantains and cut each one in half.
  • Slit the skin along the natural ridges with a sharp knife and peel away.
  • 10 Slice the plantainb lengthways.
  • Heat a large frying pan with about 4 tbsp of the oil.
  • 11 Add in the plantain chips to the heated oil and fry in batches for 2-3 min on each side till golden.
  • 12 Drain on kitchen paper, season to taste and sprinkle over the chives.
  • Take the rice off the heat and set aside for a minute.
  • Cut the remaining half of lime into small wedges.
  • 13 Arrange the rice and peas on a serving plate with a stack of plantain chips.
  • Add in a griddled lamb steak, garnish with a couple of lime wedges and serve at once.