Categories:Viewed: 58 - Published at: 6 years ago


  • 1 cup bread flour (plus more for surface and kneading)
  • 3/4 cup warm water
  • 1 TBS active dry yeast
  • 1 TBS natural cane sugar
  • 2 TBS extra virgin olive oil (use the good stuff)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cracked black pepper


  • In a large bowl, dissolve sugar and yeast into the warm water.
  • Usually takes around 10 minutes until you get a nice thick foam on top.
  • When the foam coats the entire top, youre good to move on to the next step.
  • Add 1 of olive oil along with the salt and pepper into the sugar/yeast mixture.
  • Do not stir.
  • Add in 1/2 cup of the bread flour and stir with a spoon.
  • Then, add the other half and stir until the dough comes together in a ball but is still semi sticky.
  • Now, we knead.
  • Dust your surface with flour, and I suggest putting a little olive oil on your hands before getting started.
  • Once the dough is evenly textured and has a bit of elasticity (about 3-4 minutes) you can put it into a bowl greased with olive oil and cover with a dish towel.
  • Allow it to rise for an hour or so, or until its about double its original size.
  • Divide into two portions and stretch like you would a pizza dough to a size that is about 6" wide by 9" long.
  • Flour your baking sheet and place both portions onto it.
  • Allow to rest for 20 minutes, and then brush each portion with 1/2 of olive oil and more salt if you want it.
  • Bake in a 410 oven for 10-12 minutes until the top of your flatbreads are golden.
  • Let it cool and eat it.
  • And dont forget to turn the oven off.