
  • 1 1/4 cups whole milk
  • 3 tablespoons sugar, white granulated
  • 1/3 cup butter, unsalted
  • 1/3 cup shortening, vegetable
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 4 1/2 teaspoons yeast, active dry
  • 2 large eggs, slightly beaten
  • 6 cups flour, all purpose
  • 2 teaspoons salt, Diamond kosher
  • 3/4 cup potato flakes
  • 2-3 tablespoons butter, unsalted - melted for brushing


  • Melt the butter and shortening. Add milk, water, and sugar and heat to ~110°F. Whisk in yeast and let sit till bubbly and foamy.
  • While yeast is sitting, whisk together flour, potato flakes and salt. Once yeast has proofed, add eggs and yeast mixture to flour and mix until dough comes together.
  • Turn dough out onto lightly floured board and knead dough until smooth and satiny, 5-10 minutes. Place dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise until double, roughly 90 minutes.
  • Butter a 9x13" baking pan. Turn the dough out and punch down. Knead until smooth (should be fairly quick), and pat into a rectangle, roughly 10x12". Using a bench knife, cut 48 rolls (8 cuts on one side, six on the shorter side). Arrange in baking dish. Brush rolls with melted butter, cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 1-1 1/2 hours until almost doubled.
  • Preheat oven to 375°F. Bake rolls 30 minutes, turning the pan once halfway through baking to ensure even browning.