
  • 2 lb hamburger meat
  • 1 can cream of patoto
  • 2 packages grated cheese
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 packages tator tots
  • 1 packages bacon
  • 1 can cream of celery
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp pepper
  • 3 tbsp cajun spice


  • preheat oven to 400
  • cook ground meat and one diced up onion til meat is brown
  • cut your Bacon up to bite size piece and fry
  • after Browning meat drain and place back in pan combine can of celery can of patoto and 1 package of cheese and mix in with meat
  • combine your Bacon in with meat and pour in a casserole dish
  • pour tots on top of meat then pour cheese on top of tots place in oven for 45 minutes
  • at very end turn boiler on for a couple of minutes til golden brown.. take out and enjoy