Categories:Viewed: 16 - Published at: 2 years ago


  • 2 ounces 80% lean ground beef
  • 1 teaspoon chicken fat or 1 teaspoon beef fat or 1 teaspoon vegetable oil or 1 teaspoon fish oil
  • 13 cup cooked rice
  • 14 teaspoon ground bone meal
  • 14 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch taurine
  • 12 of a vitamin (human adult vitamin-mineral tablet, *SEE NOTE)


  • Bake, fry or microwave the beef and fat (do not drain).
  • Combine beef with remaining ingredients except for the tablet.
  • Mix Well.
  • Serve with the tablet (either in pill form or pulverized and thoroughly mixed with the food).
  • *NOTE: Feed you cat half of the tablet each day.