
  • 6 ounces plain flour
  • 2 ounces cornmeal
  • 2 ounces ground almonds
  • 4 ounces butter
  • 2 ounces caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 10 fluid ounces whole milk
  • 7 fluid ounces single cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 vanilla bean
  • 4 ounces caster sugar
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • 1 tablespoon icing sugar


  • In a thick bottomed pan mix the milk and cream, scrape out the seeds of the vanilla pod and add them to the mix.
  • Heat the milk and cream mix and simmer for a couple of minutes to infuse the flavour - do not allow to boil.
  • Remove from the heat and transfer to a cold mixing bowl.
  • In a separate large mixing bowl add the flour, cornmeal, and butter.
  • Rub together until like breadcrumbs.
  • Add the almonds and sugar to the mix.
  • Bind together with the egg (use only the whole egg).
  • If too dry add a little additional beaten egg until the consistency is right - DO NOT add any liquid other than egg or it will become biscuity when cooked.
  • Allow the pastry to rest in a cool place for 30 minutes.
  • Pre heat the oven to 120°C degrees.
  • Roll out the pastry until approx 3mm thick.
  • Using round a pastry cutter cut out circles of the pastry and line individual tartlet cases.
  • Allow these to rest for 20 minutes in a cool place.
  • Bake in the oven until blind baked - approx 10 minutes.
  • Allow to cool for 10 minutes.
  • Brush the insides of the pastry cases with the liquid egg yolk so they are just coated - this is to seal the pastry case before adding the egg custard mix so the pastry stays as crisp as possible.
  • Return to the oven for 5 minutes to seal the cases.
  • Into the milk and cream mix that has been allowed to cool completely add the eggs and sugar - whisk these together well.
  • Through a fine sieve strain the egg mix to ensure the custard has no shell in it.
  • Pour the custard mix carefully into the tartlet cases - taking care to not over fill.
  • Grate a light covering of nutmeg over the tarts.
  • Place carefully in the oven
  • If possible and your oven shelf will pull out and remain steady put the tray of tartlet cases on the oven shelf before filling so as to not have to move the filled tartlets except to push the shelf back in the oven.
  • Cook for approx 20 minutes.
  • When the custard is firm to the touch the tarts are done.
  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.
  • Serve as desired but with a pouring of fresh cream is delicious.