
  • 1 box cake mix
  • eggs
  • water
  • vegetable oil
  • step stool
  • patience
  • love
  • time
  • sense of humor
  • cleaning supplies
  • change of clothes
  • aspirin
  • television
  • bakery


  • Wash helper's hands.
  • Preset oven.
  • Put cake into bowl.
  • Get out eggs.
  • Put spilled cake mix back into bowl.
  • Get out oil.
  • Pick up broken eggs from floor.
  • Measure water.
  • Remove egg shells from batter.
  • Tell helper next time not to lift electric mixer from batter when it's still running.
  • Wipe counter walls, being careful not to slip on floor.
  • Remind helper a taste is not a cupful.
  • Get out shortening to grease pan.
  • Gently remind helper to grease pans first!
  • Comfort helper who is crying because pan slipped from her hands and spilled onto her shoes.
  • Suggest to helper that sometimes grownups are better at carrying things without spilling.
  • Clean up helper.
  • Put on T.V.
  • Turn off oven.
  • Wash dishes, counter walls and floor.
  • Change clothes.
  • Call bakery.
  • Take aspirin and lie down.