Category: yogurts natural
Learn yogurts natural - Recipes
  1. Yogurt Cake - yogurts natural

    Ingredients 2 5/8 cups yogurts natural6 eggs5 cups sugar8 cups flour9/16 cup oilMethodPreheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.Mix the yogurt with the egg yolks and sugar and stir well.Gradually, add the flour and o...Learn More
    yogurts naturaleggssugar
  2. Yogurt And Wild Berries Pie - wild

    Ingredients 1 package berries frozen wild3/4 cup flour3 5/8 tablespoons margarine3 greek yogurts natural sweetened2 eggs3/4 cup sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extractMethodPreheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.Thaw and ...Learn More