Category: Worcester
Learn Worcester - Recipes
  1. Butter Beans In Garlic Cream Recipe - butter

    Ingredients 1 pkt (16 ounce.) Stilwell Frzn Butter Beans4 x Cloves garlic, peeled2 Tbsp. Butter2 Tbsp. Flour1/2 tsp "Old George" Seasoning, (or possibly sub. Worcester1 c. Low fat 2% lowfat milk1/2 c. Wilson ha...Learn More
  2. Marinated London Broil - oil

    Ingredients 1/2 cup oil2 tbsp wine vinegar4 tsp. lemon juice4 tbsp. soy sauce2 crushed cloves garlic4 tsp. worcester2 tsp. dry mustard2 tbsp. chopped parsleys&p to taste1 London BroilMethodCombine all ingredien...Learn More
    oilwine vinegarlemon juice
  3. Porcupine Meat Balls - tomato soup

    Ingredients 1 can tomato soup1 1/2 can water (Heat to boiling)1 1/2 cup regular rice1 lb. Ground beef2 tbsp chopped onion1 1/2 tsp salt1/8 tsp pepper2 Tbsp chopped green pepperWorcester sauce or oregano (option...Learn More
    tomato soupwaterregular rice