Category: whiter
Learn whiter - Recipes
  1. Barbecue Turkey Drums Recipe - whiter

    Ingredients 4 x Honeysuckle Whiter Drumsticks or possibly Wing Drummettes (about 2-3 lbs.) Your favorite barbecue sauceMethodPreheat oven to 325 degrees F. Brush drumsticks with your favorite barbecue sauce.Coo...Learn More
  2. Carol’S Almond Peach Puffs - pastry

    Ingredients Pastry Puffs:1/4 cup butter1/2 boiling water1/2 cup flour1/8 tsp. salt2 eggsPeach Filling:1 15 oz. can slicedpeaches, drained1/2 cup sugar1 T. lemon juice1 tsp. almond extractAlmond Crunch Topping:1...Learn More
    pastryboiling waterflour