Category: hunk butter
Learn hunk butter - Recipes
  1. Homemade Noodles - egg yolks

    Ingredients 3 egg yolks1 tsp. salt1 large whole egg2 c. flour, sifted3 Tbsp. cold watersmall hunk butter, meltedlittle baking powderMethodBeat the egg yolks and whole egg until well mixed.Beat in cold water and...Learn More
    egg yolkssaltegg
  2. NannieS Chocolate Pie - sugar

    Ingredients 1 c. sugar3 or 4 Tbsp. flour3 Tbsp. cocoa2 c. milk1 tsp. vanilla3 egg yolkslarge hunk butterMethodMix sugar, flour and cocoa in black skillet.Add milk, stirring constantly.Add egg yolks, vanilla and...Learn More
  3. Apple Dumplings - flour

    Ingredients 2 c. flour1 tsp. salt6 to 7 Tbsp. cold water2/3 c. shortening1 hunk butter1 tsp. sugarsprinkle of cinnamonMethodMix flour, salt, cold water and shortening like for pie crust. Cut up apples and place...Learn More
    floursaltcold water