Category: white rolls
Learn white rolls - Recipes
  1. Bbq Chicken Sandwiches - butter

    Ingredients 1 tablespoon butter1 small green pepper, chopped (about 1/2 cup) (optional)1 small onion, chopped (about 1/4 cup)1/4 cup chopped celery1/2 cup barbecue sauce1 (12 1/2 ounce) can swanson premium whit...Learn More
    buttergreen pepperonion
  2. Beirocks with Hamburger and Cabbage - Bierocks - white rolls

    Ingredients 8 Rhodes frozen white rolls1 lb (.5 kg). hamburger1 onion, chopped1/2 head cabbage, finely shreddedsalt, pepper and garlic powder to taste (use a LOT!)MethodRemove Rhodes rolls from freezer and let ...Learn More
    white rollshamburgeronion