Category: white chocolate liqueur
Learn white chocolate liqueur - Recipes
  1. Phoenix Rising Cocktail - Irish cream

    Ingredients 3/4 cup Irish cream3/4 cup white chocolate liqueur1/2 cup whole milk1/2 cup spiced rumIceMethodCombine the Irish cream, white chocolate liqueur, milk and rum into a small pitcher and stir.Pour into ...Learn More
    Irish creamwhite chocolate liqueurmilk
  2. Raspberry White Chocolate Soup - frozen raspberries

    Ingredients 3 c. fresh or frozen raspberries1/2 c. sugar3/4 c. pineapple juice1/4 c. white chocolate liqueur6 oz. Yoplait custard type vanilla yogurtMethodPut all ingredients in blender.Puree and serve chilled ...Learn More
    frozen raspberriessugarpineapple juice