Category: vanilla pie filling
Learn vanilla pie filling - Recipes
  1. Creamy Dessert - peaches

    Ingredients 1 can peaches, chopped1 can pears, chopped1 can fruit cocktail1 box instant vanilla pie filling1 carton Cool WhipMethodDrain juice from fruits and mix pudding with a little of the juice.Add fruits a...Learn More
    peachesfruit cocktailvanilla pie filling
  2. Dream Cheese Pie - graham cracker crust

    Ingredients 1 graham cracker crust1 pkg. Dream Whip1/4 c. sugar8 oz. cream cheese1/2 tsp. vanilla pie fillingMethodPrepare Dream Whip according to package.In another bowl, blend cheese, sugar and vanilla.Fold i...Learn More
    graham cracker crustDream Whipsugar
  3. Quick Cheesecake - graham cracker crust

    Ingredients 1 large Keebler graham cracker crust8 oz. Philly cream cheese, softened1 c. sour cream8 oz. Cool Whip2 tsp. vanilla1/3 c. sugar1 small pkg. Jell-O vanilla pie fillingMethodBeat cream cheese until sm...Learn More
    graham cracker crustcream cheesesour cream
  4. Banana Mallow Party Pie - milk

    Ingredients 1 3/4 c. milk1 pkg vanilla pie filling2 bananas, sliced1 1/2 c. miniature marshmallows1/2 c. heavy cream, whipped1 9 inch baked vanilla wafer crust, chilledMethodPrepare pie filling as directed on p...Learn More
    milkvanilla pie fillingbananas
  5. Banana Pudding - milk

    Ingredients 14 oz. Eagle Brand milk1 1/2 c. cold water1 (4 serving size) instant vanilla pie filling2 c. whipped cream36 vanilla wafers3 medium bananas, sliced and dipped in lemon juiceMethodIn large bowl, comb...Learn More
    milkcold watervanilla pie filling
  6. Different Pecan Pie - vanilla pie filling

    Ingredients 1 pkg. vanilla pie filling (3 1/2 oz.)1 c. corn syrup3/4 c. evaporated milk1 slightly beaten egg1 c. chopped pecans9 or 8-inch unbaked pie shellMethodCook pie filling as directed; blend with corn sy...Learn More
    vanilla pie fillingcorn syrupmilk
  7. Christmas Cloud Pie - crust

    Ingredients 1 baked single pie crust2 pkg. vanilla pie filling and pudding (either cooked or instant)2 c. drained fruit cocktailMethodMix pudding according to directions on box.Add fruit cocktail.Pour into cool...Learn More
    crustvanilla pie filling