Category: understanding
Learn understanding - Recipes
  1. MotherS Lifetime Recipe - patience

    Ingredients 2 heaping c. patience1 heartful love2 handfuls generositydash of laughter1 headful understandingMethodTake 1 large field, half a dozen children, 2 or 3 small dogs, a pinch of brook and some pebbles....Learn More
  2. Recipe For A Happy Family - wife

    Ingredients 1 husband1 wifechildren1 Bible for each1 pkg. work1 Tbsp. patience1 Tbsp. understanding2 Tbsp. forgiveness1 small paddlea generous portion of prayer3 c. love, packed1 c. kisses1 pkg. play (together)...Learn More
  3. Recipe For Love - friendship

    Ingredients 2 c. friendship2 c. understanding2 c. kindness1 c. cheer1 c. goodnessMethodMix well and spread evenly with tenderness.Serve with smiles and laughter daily....Learn More
  4. Marriage Stew - persons

    Ingredients 2 concerned persons2 cups love2 pinches understanding2 tsp. patience2 cans trust2 well rounded measures of sexplenty of honest friendshipMethodCombine the 2 concerned persons with the 2 cups of love...Learn More
  5. Recipe For A Mom And Dad - love

    Ingredients 4 c. love2 c. loyalty2 c. forgiveness2 c. friendship2 spoons hope2 spoons understanding2 spoons tenderness2 spoons kindness4 qt. fate1 barrel of laughsMethodTake the love and loyalty and mix with fa...Learn More
  6. Happiness - faith

    Ingredients 1 heart full of love1 large container of faith2 handfuls of generosity2 heaping cups patiencedash of laughter1 head full of understandingMethodSprinkle generously with kindness.Add plenty of faith a...Learn More
  7. Recipe For A Happy Day - friendly words

    Ingredients 1 c. friendly words2 heaping c. understanding4 tsp. time and patiencepinch of warm personalitydash of humorMethodBlend together with prayer.Keep cool and serve generously....Learn More
    friendly wordsunderstandingtime
  8. Happy Home Recipe - faith

    Ingredients 4 c. Love2 c. Loyalty5 qt. Faith2 Tbsp. Tenderness1 c. Kindness5 c. Understanding3 c. Forgiveness1 c. Friendship5 tsp. Hope1 barrel LaughterMethodTake Love and Loyalty; mix thoroughly with Faith.Ble...Learn More
  9. Recipe For Friendship - friendly words

    Ingredients 1 c. friendly words2 c. understanding4 heaping tsp. patience1 c. listeningpinch of personalitydash of humorMethodMeasure words carefully.Add understanding, patience and listening.Stir in personality...Learn More
    friendly wordsunderstandingpatience
  10. For A Lasting Marriage - honesty

    Ingredients 1 oz. Honesty1 oz. Sharing1 oz. Empathy1 oz. Trust1 oz. Understanding6 oz. LoveMethodBlend above ingredients with your personalities and you and your spouse will have a marriage that will last forev...Learn More