Category: faith
Learn faith - Recipes
  1. Happy Marriage Recipe - warmth

    Ingredients 3 c. Love2 c. Warmth1 c. Forgiveness1 c. Friendship4 spoons Hope2 spoons Tenderness1 pt. Faith1 barrel LaughterMethodCombine Love and Tenderness.Mix thoroughly with Warmth.Add Forgiveness.Blend with...Learn More
  2. A Happy Home Recipe - smiles

    Ingredients 2 cups Love2 cups Loyalty3 cups Forgiveness1 cup Friendship1 large bunch Smiles5 spoons Hope2 spoons Tenderness4 quarts Faith1 barrel Laughter3 pints Consideration for othersMethodTake Love and Loya...Learn More
  3. Psalms 45 - grace

    Ingredients 1 c. grace1 c. favor1 c. mercy1 c. faith1 c. peace1 c. compassionMethodGrace to be justified freely.Favor to be sweet.Mercy for everlasting, faith to be loyalty and peace to be calm and still. Compa...Learn More
  4. Faith Recipe - faith

    Ingredients 1 c. faith1 pkg. hope2 c. charity4 large cans love (Agape)MethodTake faith and spread generously through each day God has given you. Add hope to every good deed.Thank God for giving you graces you n...Learn More
  5. Happy Home Recipe - faith

    Ingredients 4 c. Love2 c. Loyalty3 c. of Forgiveness1 c. of Friendship5 heaping Tbsp. of Hope3 spoons of Tenderness4 qt. Faith1 barrel LaughterMethodTake love and loyalty, mix thoroughly with tenderness, kindne...Learn More
  6. Happiness - faith

    Ingredients 1 heart full of love1 large container of faith2 handfuls of generosity2 heaping cups patiencedash of laughter1 head full of understandingMethodSprinkle generously with kindness.Add plenty of faith a...Learn More
  7. A Happy Home - faith

    Ingredients 4 c. of Love2 c. of Loyalty3 c. of Forgiveness1 c. of Friendship5 spoons of Hope2 spoons of Tenderness4 qt. of Faith1 barrel of LaughterMethodTake 1 large field, half a dozen children, 2 or 3 small ...Learn More
    faithbarrel of Laughter
  8. Happy Home Recipe - faith

    Ingredients 4 c. Love2 c. Loyalty5 qt. Faith2 Tbsp. Tenderness1 c. Kindness5 c. Understanding3 c. Forgiveness1 c. Friendship5 tsp. Hope1 barrel LaughterMethodTake Love and Loyalty; mix thoroughly with Faith.Ble...Learn More
  9. Recipe For A Happy Marriage - consideration

    Ingredients 1 c. consideration1 c. courtesy2 c. flattery, carefully concealed2 c. milk of human kindness1 gal. faith in God and each other2 c. praise3 tsp. pure extract of "I am sorry"1 c. each: consideration a...Learn More
  10. Recipe For Happiness - faith

    Ingredients 4 c. faith in God2 c. good thoughts1 c. kind deeds2 c. forgivenessMethodMix all the ingredients thoroughly.Add tears of sorrow and sympathy.Flavor with gifts of love.After pouring all this in your d...Learn More
    faithkind deeds
  11. A Happy Home Recipe - love

    Ingredients 4 c. love2 c. loyalty3 c. forgiveness1 c. friendship1 large bunch smiles5 spoons hope2 spoons tenderness4 qt. faith1 barrel laughter3 pt. consideration for others2 c. kindnessMethodBe careful in you...Learn More