Category: teas
Learn teas - Recipes
  1. Shortcut Pickled Peaches - peach halves

    Ingredients 2 (20 oz.) cans peach halves1 1/2 c. sugar3/4 c. apple cider vinegar4 cinnamon sticks2 teas. whole clovesMethodDrain peaches and reserve syrup. In mediumcombine remaining ingredients.Add syrup and b...Learn More
    peach halvessugarapple cider vinegar
  2. Buffalo Wings - chicken

    Ingredients 4 lbs. fresh chicken wings (split and tips removed)1/4 lb. butter8 oz Frank's Red Hot4 oz "Sweet n' Spicy French Dressing" or "Catalina"3 cloves fresh garlic (finely minced)1 whole jalapeno ...Learn More