Category: sweet mustard
Learn sweet mustard - Recipes
  1. Mustard Brie - Camembert cheese

    Ingredients 8 oz. or 16 oz. round Brie or Camembert cheesesweet mustard or sweet and hot mustardchopped hot pepper or sweet red pepperchopped green onionMethodPlace cheese on ovenproof dish.Cover with mustard.T...Learn More
    Camembert cheesesweet mustardhot pepper
  2. Not Your Fathers BLT - roll

    Ingredients 1 hoagie rollmayonnaisesweet mustard (That Mustard #46463)alfalfa sproutsliced ripe tomatoes3 slices of thick sliced baconMethodFry bacon to the crispness you like.Heat hoagie rolls so that the outs...Learn More
    rollmayonnaisesweet mustard
  3. Turkey And Bacon Roulades With Red Cabbage - bacon

    Ingredients 8 strips bacon 4 chopped, 4 halved1 1/3 tablespoons olive oil divided1 star anise2 cloves16 ounces red cabbage pickled2 oranges 1 juiced, 1 peeled and segmented with segments halved1 pinch sugar4 tu...Learn More
    baconolive oilanise