Category: steamed sweet potatoes
Learn steamed sweet potatoes - Recipes
  1. Easy and Smooth Sweet Potato Dessert - steamed sweet potatoes

    Ingredients 350 grams Steamed sweet potatoes20 grams Butter (or margarine)50 grams Sugar45 grams Milk5 grams Rum1 Egg yolkMethodPrepare the food processor.Cook quickly while the steamed sweet potatoes are still...Learn More
    steamed sweet potatoesbuttersugar
  2. Sweet Potato Pie - sugar

    Ingredients 1/2 c. sugar1/4 tsp. salt1 tsp. cinnamon1 tsp. nutmeg1/2 tsp. ginger2 c. steamed sweet potatoes, strained1/2 c. milk2 eggs, slightly beatenpastry for 1 (9-inch) pieMethodCombine dry ingredients and ...Learn More