Category: soursop
Learn soursop - Recipes
  1. Aqua Pearl - soursop

    Ingredients 3/4 cup soursop (guanabana) juice* or pineapple juice6 tablespoons gin4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice4 teaspoons1 1/2 teaspoons blue curacao liqueur4 dashes of angostura bittersIce cubes2 unsprayed pu...Learn More
    soursopginlemon juice
  2. Soursop Coconut Smoothie - soursop

    Ingredients 1 cup Soursop, Fresh Pulp Or Frozen1/3 cups Coconut Chunks1 cup Coconut Milk Or Coconut WaterIce CubesCoconut Shavings And Chia Seeds, For GarnishMethodPlace all the ingredients in a blender cup (no...Learn More
    soursopcoconut chunkscoconut milk