Category: soboro
Learn soboro - Recipes
  1. Tuna Soboro Chikuwa Wraps - Chikuwa

    Ingredients 1 bag Chikuwa1 Tuna soboro5 leaves Shiso leaves1 MayonnaiseMethodCut the chikuwa vertically and flatten.Spread mayonnaise on one side of the shiso leaf and stick the leaf to the surface of the opene...Learn More
  2. Shio-Koji Soboro and Ricotta Cheese Italian Croquette - Ricotta cheese

    Ingredients 120 grams Ricotta cheese1 Egg3 tbsp Shio-koji soboro5 tbsp Panko2 tbsp Parmesan (grated cheese)1 dash more than 1 tablespoon Finely chopped parsley1 dash Salt and pepper1 Panko (to coat the meatball...Learn More
    Ricotta cheeseeggsoboro