Category: salt Celtic
Learn salt Celtic - Recipes
  1. Hemp Milk - vanilla bean scraped

    Ingredients 1/4 cup shelled hemp seed organic1 vanilla bean scraped1 pinch sea salt Celtic1/4 cup agave nectar organic raw1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil organic4 cups water purifiedMethodPlace the hemp seed i...Learn More
    vanilla bean scrapedsalt Celticextra virgin coconut oil organic
  2. Roasted Pumpkin Leek And Coconut Soup - pumpkin

    Ingredients 4 cups pumpkin roasted or canned, 1 small pumpkin 3 to 4 pounds yields about 4 cups1 whole onion peeled and halved1 whole garlic bulb top sliced off1 leek white to light green portion, cleaned and h...Learn More
  3. Ham And Cauliflower Au Gratin - cauliflower

    Ingredients 1 head cauliflower 6 c. cauliflower flowerettes, cut in small cubes2 cups diced ham6 ounces cream cheese softened1/4 cup organic chicken broth2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese finely1/4 cup green...Learn More
    cauliflowerhamcream cheese