Category: red potaoes
Learn red potaoes - Recipes
  1. rosemary potatoes - red potaoes

    Ingredients 1 packages small red potaoes1 packages sm rosemary1 olive oil1 ziplock bagMethodSlice potatoes into quarters put in ziplock bag add about a cup of olive oil and rosemary to the potatoes let sit for ...Learn More
    red potaoesrosemaryolive oil
  2. Potatoe Soup wCabbage - red potaoes

    Ingredients 10 small red potaoes1 bunch carrots uncut washed, peeled2 Stalks of washed celery chopped2 Yellow squash cut in half and seeded (this can be omitted)1/2 bunch or more of fresh Basil to yout liking1 ...Learn More
    red potaoescarrotscelery