Category: poultry stock
Learn poultry stock - Recipes
  1. Pan Seared Squab with Rice Dressing and Port Reduction - squab

    Ingredients 4 squab, save gizzards, hearts and livers1 cup port wine2 peeled shallots, rough chop2 thyme sprigs1 quart poultry stock2 tablespoons rendered foie grasSalt and pepper1 cup onions, finely chopped, d...Learn More
    squabport wineshallots
  2. Egg Drop Soup - poultry stock

    Ingredients 5 c. poultry stock1 1/2 tsp. cornstarch1/2 c. cold water2 large eggs3 scallionssalt to tastesesame oilMethodHeat stock until boiling.Mix cornstarch with cold water and stir into stock.Remove from he...Learn More
    poultry stockcornstarchcold water