Category: pork trotter
Learn pork trotter - Recipes
  1. Super Mega Ultra Terrine - agar-agar

    Ingredients 1 teaspoon agar-agarblack food coloring1/2 duck100 g chicken livers1 rabbitsliced black truffle1 pork trotter4 sage leaves6 large kale leaves, various colours2 teaspoons salt2 tablespoons butter2 ta...Learn More
    agar-agarblack food coloringduck
  2. Cachupa Rica - beef

    Ingredients 1/2 lb beef, cubed1/2 lb bacon, cubed4 linguica sausage, sliced thinly1 pork trotter3 tablespoons oil2 small red potatoes, diced2 onions, chopped2 garlic cloves, mincedsalt, to tastechili paste, to ...Learn More
    beefbaconlinguica sausage