Category: of Cheese
Learn of Cheese - Recipes
  1. Potato and bean bake - potatos

    Ingredients 1 lb Potatos1 cup Of cheese3 slice Bacon15 grams Butter1 can Baked beans in tomato sauceMethodPre heat oven to 200FChop pototoes and Par boil pototoes for 10 minsDrain and add to a oven proof dishAd...Learn More
    potatosof Cheesebacon
  2. Chicken and tomato pasta - chicken breasts halve

    Ingredients 1 chicken breasts halve3 big tomatoes350 grams pasta1 cup of cheese1/2 cup tomato paste2 clove garlic1 oil5 fresh basil leaves or pinch of dried basil1 pinch of pepper and saltMethodBring a large po...Learn More
    chicken breasts halvetomatoesPasta