Category: nut milk
Learn nut milk - Recipes
  1. Tahini Blueberry Blender Ice Cream Raw Food - nut milk

    Ingredients 2/3 cup nut milk2 cups blueberries, frozen1 peaches or 1 mango4 tablespoons tahini, to taste6 dates, to tasteMethodUsing only enough nut milk to make the blades spin, put all ingredients in blender ...Learn More
    nut milkblueberriespeaches
  2. Green Peanut Butter Smoothie - banana

    Ingredients 1 banana1 cup nut milk1 cup torn kale2 tablespoons peanut butter1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamonMethodBlend 1 banana, 1 cup nut milk, 1 cup torn kale, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 1/4 teaspoon ground ci...Learn More
    banananut milktorn kale
  3. Quick, Delicious And Healthy Overnight Oats - oats

    Ingredients 1/3 cup oats3/4 cup nut milk We've used our signature Dream Date Almond Milk1/4 cup mixed berries2 tablespoons maple syrup or other desired sweetener1/2 cup cereal Green Press, Killer GranolaMethodC...Learn More
    oatsnut milkmixed berries