Category: Nigari
Learn Nigari - Recipes
  1. Easy Homemade Tofu in a Microwave - Nigari

    Ingredients 500 ml Soy milk (pure)1 tsp Nigari (undiluted)1 Your favorite aromatics for toppingMethodMix the soy milk and nigari.Microwave for 30 seconds.Stir up the mixture from Step 1.Gently pour into the con...Learn More
    Nigarifavorite aromatics
  2. Homemade Tofu - soymilk

    Ingredients 12 cups soymilk1 teaspoon nigari (magnesium chloride)1 cup warm waterMethodBring soymilk to a boil in a pot on the stove. Turn off the heat and let cool to between 180 - 200 degrees F.Dissolve 1 tea...Learn More