Category: low-fat feta
Learn low-fat feta - Recipes
  1. Saltimbocca Di Manzo - white wine

    Ingredients 12 ounces boneless top sirloin steaks1 1/2 cups dry white wine or Marsala2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar3 sage leaves Fresh6 garlic cloves 4 crushed and 2 minced1/2 cup unbleached all purpose flourgr...Learn More
    white winebalsamic vinegarsage
  2. Spinach, Mushroom And Feta Egg Scramble - eggs

    Ingredients 2 large eggs3 large egg whites1 cup mushrooms sliced1 cup baby spinach rough chopped1 teaspoon fresh thyme2 tablespoons low-fat fetaMethodSpray non-stick pan with cooking spray and cook mushrooms 5 ...Learn More
    eggsegg whitesmushrooms