Category: lots of black pepper
Learn lots of black pepper - Recipes
  1. Eggplant Enchiladas - onions

    Ingredients 1 c. chopped onions2 medium cloves garlic, crushed2 to 3 Tbsp. olive oil (for sauteing vegetables)1 1/2 tsp. salt6 c. cubed eggplant (approximately 2 small eggplant)1 c. chopped green peppers1 c. ch...Learn More
    onionsgarlicolive oil
  2. Slow Cook Bbq Sauce Split Pea Soup - green

    Ingredients 1 cup green or yellow split peas3 cups water, or a mix of 1 cup chicken or vegetable stock + 2 cups water1/2 small onion, diced1/4 cup smoky barbeque sauce1/4 tsp dill weedlots of black pepperMethod...Learn More