Category: lamb shank
Learn lamb shank - Recipes
  1. Lamb Casserole - parsley

    Ingredients 2 sprigs fresh parsley2 sprigs fresh thyme2 bay leaves2 pounds lamb shank, cooked and diced1 pound cubed ham steak10 small onions5 tomatoes - blanched, peeled and chopped2 cloves garlic, chopped4 cu...Learn More
    parsleythymebay leaves
  2. Lamb Shanks - lamb shank

    Ingredients 1 lamb shank, cut off fat1 can V-8 juice1 tsp. paprika1 c. chicken broth1 tsp. gingerMethodPut some onion and lamb shank in frying pan and saute.Add the rest of the ingredients.Cook until hot, then ...Learn More
    lamb shankpaprikachicken broth