Category: kilogram chicken
Learn kilogram chicken - Recipes
  1. Chicken Liver Adobo - kilogram chicken

    Ingredients 1 kilogram chicken liver1 cup water1 teaspoon salt4 tablespoons soy sauce2 tablespoons vinegar1 tablespoon sugar3 laurel leaves4 cloves garlicMethodWash chicken liver carefully and place in a cookin...Learn More
    kilogram chickenwatersalt
  2. Chicken Stew For The Soul - kilogram chicken

    Ingredients 1 kilogram chicken1 teaspoon ground tumeric1 teaspoon red chilli ground1 teaspoon ground coriander3 teaspoons ginger garlic paste1 lemonsalt to taste1 teaspoon ginger garlic paste1 onion large2 pota...Learn More
    kilogram chickenground tumericred chilli ground