Category: ground peanuts
Learn ground peanuts - Recipes
  1. Peanut Butter Pie - cream cheese

    Ingredients 3 oz. cream cheese1 c. confectioners sugar1/3 c. creamy peanut butter1/2 c. milk9 oz. Cool Whip1 baked pie shell1/4 c. ground peanutsMethodBeat cream cheese until fluffy, add sugar and peanut butter...Learn More
    cream cheeseconfectioners sugarpeanut butter
  2. Brandys peanut butter bones - whole wheat flour

    Ingredients 4 cup whole wheat flour2 cup wheat germ2 cup peanut butter1 1/2 cup water1/4 cup honey1/4 cup ground peanutsMethodPlace all ingredients in a large bowl.Mix thoroughly to combine.Roll out dough on fl...Learn More
    whole wheat flourgermpeanut butter
  3. Tomato Chutney & Green Gram Pancakes - green

    Ingredients Green Gram Pancakes1/2 cup Green Gram4 Green Chillis1/2 inch pieces Ginger1/2 teaspoon Saltas per the requirement WaterTomato Sauce2 Fresh Tomato1/2 tablespoon Split Ckickpeas5 Red Chillies2 tablesp...Learn More
    greengreen gramgreen chillis
  4. Penang Curry For Two - chicken breasts

    Ingredients 12 ounces sliced chicken breasts (, pork or beef)1 package coconut milk powder (you can use canned coconut milk)12 ounces water (if you use canned coconut adjust amount of water you add-consistency ...Learn More
    chicken breastscoconut milkwater
  5. Pastillas De Mani - ground peanuts

    Ingredients 1 c. ground peanuts3/4 c. milk2/3 c. sugarMethodMix all ingredients together and cook over low heat, stirring constantly to avoid burning. Cook until it thickens. Sprinkle sugar on a bread board and...Learn More
    ground peanutsmilksugar
  6. Benedictives - cream cheese

    Ingredients 12 oz. cream cheese (four 3 oz. pkg.)3 to 4 cucumbers, peeled and grated1/2 small onion, grateddash of saltmayonnaise (enough to make a smooth spread)1 or 2 drops green food coloring (to tint the ve...Learn More
    cream cheesecucumbersonion