Category: Griffins
Learn Griffins - Recipes
  1. Mystery Pecan Pie - pie shell

    Ingredients 1 unbaked (9-inch) pie shell1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese1/3 c. plus 1/4 c. sugar4 eggs, divided2 tsp. Griffin's Vanilla, divided1/4 tsp. salt1 c. Griffin's Corn Syrup light or dark1 1/4 c. chopped pe...Learn More
    pie shellcream cheesesugar
  2. Molasses Pull Taffy - brown sugar

    Ingredients 2 c. brown sugar1/2 c. water1 Tbsp. Griffin's Corn Syrup1 c. Griffin's Molasses1/3 c. butterGriffin's Vanilla or almond extractMethodPlace the brown sugar, water, corn syrup, molasses and butter in ...Learn More
    brown sugarwaterGriffins