Category: ginger ales
Learn ginger ales - Recipes
  1. Punch - lemonade flavor

    Ingredients 8 pkg. lemonade flavor Kool-Aid3 large cans pineapple juice2 large cans crushed pineapple8 c. sugar4 Sprites4 ginger alesMethodMix the first 4 ingredients together.Refrigerate (can be frozen).Add Sp...Learn More
    lemonade flavorpineapple juicepineapple
  2. Apricot Fizz - apricot nectar

    Ingredients 2 (12 oz.) cans apricot nectarsugar2 (12 oz.) ginger aleslemon juiceMethodChill apricot nectar and ginger ale well.When ready to serve, combine the nectar and ginger ale.Dip rims of glasses into lem...Learn More
    apricot nectarsugarginger ales