Category: full tsp
Learn full tsp - Recipes
  1. Old Fashioned Potato Rolls - yeast

    Ingredients 1 yeast cake1/2 c. lukewarm water1 c. hot mashed potatoes2/3 c. lard or shortening1/2 c. sugar1 full tsp. salt2 whole eggs1 c. milk (lukewarm)6 c. flour (approximately)MethodDissolve yeast in warm w...Learn More
    yeastwaterhot mashed potatoes
  2. Bread And Butter Pickles - , washed

    Ingredients 4 lb. washed, sliced cukes1 lb. sliced, skinned onions1/2 c. saltice3 c. vinegar5 c. sugar1 1/2 tsp. celery seed2 Tbsp. mustard seed1 full tsp. turmericMethodPut cukes, onions and salt in large pan....Learn More
    , washedonionssalt