Category: fluffy
Learn fluffy - Recipes
  1. Italian Beef Sandwiches - beef

    Ingredients The beef1 boneless beef roast, about 3 pounds with most of the fat trimmed off (top sirloin, top round or bottom round)The rub2 teaspoons garlic powder1 teaspoon onion powder1 teaspoon dried oregano...Learn More
    beefbeef roastRub
  2. Honey Cream Coiled Rolls - fluffy

    Ingredients 1 fluffy, soft, and rich honey bread dough100 grams Cream cheese1 1/2 ~ 2 tablespoons Honey30 grams RaisinsMethodMake the honey dough until the first rising and then let sit for 20 minutes.Meanwhile...Learn More
    fluffycream cheesehoney