Category: enchilada mix
Learn enchilada mix - Recipes
  1. EnchiladasMakes 24 Enchiladas - ground beef

    Ingredients 2 lb. ground beef1 can green chili peppers1 onion1 small can hot peppers2 cans refried beans2 pkg. enchilada mix1 can chiliMethodBrown meat and onions.Add beans, chili peppers and chili. Cook for ab...Learn More
    ground beefgreen chili peppersonion
  2. Beef N Bean Burrito Stack Crock Pot, Slow Cooker - enchilada mix

    Ingredients 2 (1 1/2 ounce) packages dry enchilada mix3 cups water2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste1/4 teaspoon black pepper1/8 teaspoon garlic powdersalt2 lbs lean ground beef1/2 cup chopped onion (to taste)1 bell...Learn More
    enchilada mixwatertomato paste