Category: durum wheat flour
Learn durum wheat flour - Recipes
  1. Pasta Acqua E Farina - durum wheat flour

    Ingredients 1 pound (450 grams) sifted durum wheat flour or semolina (1 cup (200 milliliters) water in a measuring cup, plus some extra if neededextra flour for dusting and adjustingMethodSift the flour onto a ...Learn More
    durum wheat flourmillilitersdusting
  2. Fresh Cavatelli - durum wheat flour

    Ingredients 1 pound fine durum-wheat flour (about 3 1/4 cups), plus more as needed1 1/4 cups very cold water, plus more as neededA food processor fitted with a steel bladeMethodPut the flour in the bowl of the ...Learn More
    durum wheat flourvery cold waterprocessor