Category: preserved duck eggs
Learn preserved duck eggs - Recipes
  1. Boiled Greens With Preserved Duck Eggs Recipe - amaranth

    Ingredients 8 ounces amaranth greens (or 16 ounces spinach)2 preserved duck eggs1 cup stock or water4 garlic cloves, smashed2 tablespoons cooking oilMethodPick though the amaranth greens for the tough stalks. W...Learn More
    amaranthpreserved duck eggsstock
  2. Pork And Century Egg Rice Congee - white rice

    Ingredients 1 cup uncooked short-grain white rice1 tablespoon vegetable oil6 cups water1 cube pork bouillon cube2 cups char siu (Chinese roast pork), diced6 green onions, chopped2 cups water2 preserved duck egg...Learn More
    white ricevegetable oilwater