Category: cream horseradish
Learn cream horseradish - Recipes
  1. Chipped Beef Dip Or Spread - cream cheese

    Ingredients 1 large pkg. cream cheese2 Tbsp. finely chopped onions2 Tbsp. mayonnaise1/2 c. chopped nuts1 (3 oz.) jar dried beef1 Tbsp. cream horseradishsalt to tasteMethodMix all ingredients until smooth.Place ...Learn More
    cream cheeseonionsmayonnaise
  2. Hot Crab Meat - crab meat

    Ingredients 1 (6 1/2 oz.) can crab meat1 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese5 Tbsp. chopped onion1 Tbsp. milk1/2 tsp. cream horseradish1/4 tsp. saltdash of pepperseveral drops Worcestershire sauce1/3 c. toasted almonds (...Learn More
    crab meatcream cheeseonion