Category: cour cream
Learn cour cream - Recipes
  1. Garlic Smashed Potatoes - potatoes

    Ingredients 1 3/4 lb small unpeedled Yukons Gold potatoes scrubed6 lg garlic cloves peeled1 T olive oil2 T butter1/2 cup cour cream3 T chopped freesh chivesMethodGenerously butter glass pie dish. Cook potatoes ...Learn More
    potatoesgarlicolive oil
  2. PamS Layered Taco Dip - avocados

    Ingredients avocadoslemon juicecour creamEl Paso taco sauce (Medium)Shredded cheeseChopped chivesChopped black olives.Methodpeal and mash avocados, season with salt and lemon juice. Layer in bottom of casserole...Learn More
    avocadoslemon juicecour cream