Category: clear jel
Learn clear jel - Recipes
  1. Tomato Catsup - tomatoes

    Ingredients 2 gal. tomatoes, cut up (heaping)2 large onions8 Tbsp. salt22 drops cinnamon oil22 drops clove oil2 1/2 c. vinegar8 c. sugar10 Tbsp. clear-jelMethodCook the tomatoes and onions until tender; put thr...Learn More
  2. Green Tomato Pie - tomatoes

    Ingredients 6 medium size green tomatoes1 c. water3 Tbsp. clear jel1 c. sugar1/8 tsp. salt1 tsp. cinnamon2 Tbsp. butter1 pie shellMethodWash tomatoes.Remove stem and core.Cut into thin slices. Cook tomatoes in ...Learn More
    tomatoeswaterclear jel